Sunday, March 10, 2013

DIY: Vintage Rose Key

Hello Everyone,

It's been a while.  If you are following me on Instagram or Twitter, you probably know that I love participating in Fat Mum Slim's Photo-a-day Challenge.  I wanted to share with you one of my recent posts.  It is for day 3, Key!  I own a lot of nail polish, so I always try to find new ways to use them.  If you own a lot of keys, this may be a good way to help you find certain ones from the bunch.  Especially, if you own a lot of copied keys that tend to be the same color and shape.

I've been color-coding my brushes, pens, keys, etc. with my old nail polish for a while now.  I would like to share this tutorial with you.  Plus, it's another reason to paint, and that's always a lot of fun!

Materials you are going to need are:

Old or new nail polish:  I used red, pink, green, white, & a pale turquoise
A clear sealer or a top coat
A key
Fine grit or medium grit sand paper

Step 1:
Roughen the surface where paint will be applied.
Step 2:
Place two coats of polish, or until the surface is even.

Step 3:
Place a dot of pink and a dot of red beside each other and swirl the paint together.  Make sure you create a pattern by not completely blending the two colors.
Step 4:
Take some white and lightly swirl it on top.  Then, place some green leaves as an accent.

Step 5:
Let the polish dry for 15 minutes.  Then, apply a layer or two of a clear sealer or a top coat.

You may apply a coat of sealer every few months or so, to keep the polish from chipping.  I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!  Here are some of my keys:

Have a lovely day!

XOXO, Carla

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